Parent Information for children with SEND

Welcome to the Bartley Green SEND Department. This page has been created to give you an insight into the many facilities and support mechanisms available for SEND pupils here at Bartley Green School.

To contact our SENDCo and/or the SEND department, please use the following email.

We aim to respond to all email enquiries within three working days. Alternatively, you may wish to call us on;

0121 4769246

Please click the headers below to learn more about how we support our pupils.

Meet our SEND Team

Assistant Head teacher - SEND

Responsible for:

  • Working with the head teacher and governing body to plan the development of SEN policy and provision within the school.

  • Working closely with staff, parents and other agencies to maintain communication and to ensure children with SEND make the most progress possible.

  • Providing appropriate training to teaching and support staff to ensure lessons are differentiated appropriately for SEND pupils.

  • Monitoring the progress made by pupils with SEND.

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEND.

  • Updating the SEND register and ensuring records are kept on the intervention pupils have received.

  • Ensuring that all pupils with SEN have a clear and appropriate career path to help.

  • Ensuring pupils have suitable college/vocational placements when leaving school.


SEND Co-ordinator

Responsible for:

  • Liaising with the Heads of Year and teaching staff to ensure all teachers are aware of the individual needs of SEND pupils.

  • Ensuring parents are informed of their child's well-being within school.

  • Co-ordinating the withdrawal timetable.

  • Working with the teaching assistants to monitor pupils' day-to-day welfare.

There is often an overlap of special needs, requiring the SENCO and SEN Pastoral Co-ordinator to work together. All provision is implemented in close liaison with both Academic and Pastoral structures within the school.

Subject teacher

Responsible for:

  • Ensuring all lessons are approximately adapted to cater for each child's individual SEND needs

  • Adapting their lessons to incorporate new strategies provided by the Assistant Head teacher and or outside agencies to ensure pupils' targets are worked towards.

  • Monitoring and evaluating the progress made by SEND pupils.

  • Liaising with the SEND Department to ensure timely support and maintain communication.

  • Inform parents of the progress made by pupils.

Teaching Assistants

Responsible for:

  • Providing support as directed by the Assistant head teacher, SENDCo, Teaching Staff.

  • Delivery and monitoring of high quality intervention programmes in literacy and numeracy to support pupils with SEND in Key Stage Three.

  • Informing and updating parents of pupils with SEND, in regards to pupil progress and welfare.

  • Assisting pupils in lessons in GCSE English and Maths where appropriate.

  • Liaising with the SEND Department, teachers and external agencies to keep all staff informed of the needs of SEND pupils.


SEN Governor

Responsible for:

  • Monitoring the school budget in relation to SEND and endeavouring to meet the provision specified in Statements as far as is possible and feasible within the context of whole school needs.

  • Liaise with the Assistant Head teacher to ensure pupils with SEND are provided with appropriate support and make the necessary progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Bartley Green SEND Department.  On these webpages, you will find our annually updated interactive SEND information report. Here you will find useful information and guidance to the support we provide for pupils with SEND at Bartley Green School.

At Bartley Green School, we define SEND in accordance with the 2015 Code of Practice from the Department for Education/Health: 

• A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

• has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or..

• has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions

• special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools.

What are the different types of support available for pupils with SEND in Bartley Green?

We understand that the most important support that all children at Bartley Green can receive is excellent targeted classroom teaching.

For your child this means:

That the subject teacher has the highest possible expectations for all pupils in their class.

That the subject teacher is fully informed of the individual needs of the pupils within their class and is equipped with specific strategies to aid each pupil's success.

That the subject teacher will closely monitor the progress made by each pupil within their class and take steps to address any gaps in a pupil's learning. This may include providing extra support or liaising with parents and the SEND department to ensure all pupils make the desired progress.

Literacy and Numeracy intervention

In order to secure the progress and development of some pupils at Bartley Green, we offer extra support in literacy and numeracy to the pupils in the teaching sets R1, R2 & T in Year 7 & 8.

We understand that the best time to offer this support is in Year 7 and Year 8, when pupils are able to develop and improve their skills in the core subjects, to provide them with a secure foundation upon which to build their knowledge and skills in KS4.

In Year 7 and 8, pupils receive two lessons of support and are given extra help in literacy and numeracy through two online programs Lexia, Power Up! and Dynamo Maths. (Click names for more information)

Accelerated reader

Pupils’ ability to read is vital to ensure success across the wider school curriculum. To support all pupils to achieve their full potential, Bartley Green pupils follow the ‘Accelerated Reader Programme’.

Accelerated Reader is a scheme that allows pupils to read levelled books and quiz on a comprehension test. Results are given immediately after the test has finished so this enables the teacher to monitor pupils' progress. When 3 quizzes have been passed pupils move up to the next level. Years 7 to 10 take part in Accelerated Reader so at all times pupils should have a reading book with them.  Success is rewarded at the end of term with certificates and prizes.   

Further interventions available for pupils with SEND

In order to ensure pupils with SEND are supported, regardless of their teaching set, various other withdrawal and intervention sessions are offered. These are based on an assessment of the pupils’ need and the programme usually runs for a half term to ensure we offer support to a broad range of pupils. The following support programmes are currently available:

  • Lexia Power Up - Literacy Programme

  • Dynamo Maths - Numeracy Programme

  • Mentoring for Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) pupils

  • Reciprocal reading (RR)

  • Handwriting and Fine Motor Skills

  • Social skills (ELSA Course - Emotional Literacy Support Assistance)

  • Phonics - Year 7 & Year 8

  • Dyslexia Support (Toe by Toe)

Our Virtual Cognition and Learning Resource base

In order to ensure a fully inclusive education, our Cognition and Learning Resource Base is virtual. This means that our Resource Base pupils attend all mainstream lessons with specialist teaching providing expert tuition. All of our Resource Base pupils are integrated into the wider school community and participate in all aspects of school life.  This means that we ensure pupils have full access to the National Curriculum including Religious Education.

Pupils in our T set teaching groups are provided with:

  • 20 minutes of Phonics teaching every day in Year 7 and Year 8

  • Year 7 &8 have 3 hours of Literacy and Numeracy support over a two week timetable.

These sessions are delivered by Teaching Assistants in a classroom, using two evidenced based intervention programmes (Dynamo Maths and Lexia Power Up!)

What additional courses are provided for SEND pupils?

Some pupils with SEND may need extra support in order to access the curriculum fully. The SEND Department offers the following two day courses once a term:

A social skills course

This two day course is planned and delivered by teaching assistants and provides a group of approximately 6 pupils with the chance to work on their social skills to improve their interactions with teachers and peers.

ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

Our Teaching Assistants are specially trained to provide emotional and social skills support for children.  We are exploring a range of short courses to establish what works best for our pupils at Bartley Green School.

Further courses are provided by the OWL (Our Way of Learning) Centre.

OWL courses are designed to help pupils to overcome any barriers to learning. The following provides examples of the courses we offer in the OWL centre:

  • Building resilience

  • Rebuilding Friendships

  • Managing stress

  • Coping with change

  • PRIDE – Behaviour based Intervention

  • Attendance Matters – Improving attendance

Courses are delivered to no more than 6 pupils and the content is adapted to meet the needs of the pupils as identified by the staff who lead the programme.

What extra support is available for pupils with SEND outside the classroom?

A range of extra support is offered outside of lesson time.

Before school

The SEND HUB is open from 8.30am and is staffed by teaching assistants to help support pupils before the school day starts.

During school

Homework Club in the HUB is available at lunchtime every day. Teaching Assistants are available to support pupils with their learning.

After school

Homework club is available every day after school for one hour. This is run by trained teaching assistants who are available to offer support to your child.

There is also an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities and clubs for pupils both at lunch and after school.

How does Bartley Green School identify pupils as having special needs and how will I be informed?

  • Bartley Green School has full regard to the SEND Code of Practice 2015, and follows the staged model of identification and assessment, as advised by Birmingham LEA.

  • Our main feeder primary schools are visited by the Assistant head or SENDCo in the latter half of the summer term, to share information from primary SENDCOs and to aid the smooth transition for children transferring to Bartley Green School.

  • All pupils Year 7 pupils are tested every term on their reading age using the STAR test.

  • Pupils identified as having additional needs are individually tested using reading tests IDL, York Reading for Comprehension (YARC) as well as numeracy tests.

  • Additional testing, such as for language development, is also given when deemed necessary, on an individual basis.

  • Academic performance over the course of the year is also used as an indicator of progress

  • All staff are provided and regularly updated with information on each pupil with SEND. Pupil passports and profiles provide staff with detailed information as to each pupils learning need.

  • All Teaching and support staff receive regular continuing professional development and training to enhance their teaching strategies for pupils with SEND.

  • Parents of pupils who are newly identified as SEND at secondary school are informed and invited into Bartley Green School to discuss their children's needs and provision.

  • Parents/carers of pupils who require highly specialist advice, are referred to the Pupil School Support Service (PSSS) or other outside agencies as appropriate. This may include the following.

  • Referral to a Paediatrician (A specialist doctor in children’s health)

  • Educational Psychologist (EP)

  • Communication and Autism Team (CAT)

Parental consent will be sought prior to referral to these services. 

How does the school get feedback from SEND pupils?

We regularly ask our pupils with SEND for feedback and provide them with the opportunity to engage with our pupil voice questionnaires.  Their views are very important to us.

We use the following tools to get pupils feedback:

  • We conduct pupil voice interviews and surveys throughout the academic year to help identify areas for development.

  • Pupil and parent voice are sought through EHCP meetings, which take place annually.

  • Pupils are encouraged to speak to staff to share any concerns they may have.

How are the teachers in school helped to work with pupils with SEND and what training do they have?

All staff at Bartley Green receive regular continuing professional development to assist them in adapting the learning to ensure that pupils with SEND have their learning needs met. This may include the addition of outside agencies to visit the school and provide training.

Pupil Passports are provided to all teaching and support staff to enable them to know each child's particular area of need and to assist them with selecting appropriate strategies to support and manage these.

How will the school measure the progress of my child with SEND needs?

We understand that communication is important to ensuring all pupils enjoy school and achieve their full potential. As a means of communication we use the following:

  • A full report is issued twice a year.

  • Parents evening takes place once a year.

  • Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) annual reviews.

  • Personalised Education Plan (PEP) meetings for Looked After Children (LAC).

Provision management is a central part of SEND support within the school. We use Provision Map to provide a holistic overview of the provision and interventions and support that we provide for pupils with SEND. We follow the Assess, Plan, Do, Review model outlined in the SEND Code of Practice 2014. This involves measuring the progress of pupils with SEND, primarily their academic success. Provision is then based on areas of need within the SEND population.

How may I let the school know I am concerned about my child's progress in school?

We endeavour to ensure that pupils with SEND are provided with the necessary support to achieve their full potential, aligning with our core values. We understand that the most important part of this is ensuring high quality teaching and pastoral support to enable pupils to have full access to the curriculum at Bartley Green School.

Please contact the SEND department at Bartley Green School through the following means:


Tel: 0121 476 9246
Fax: 0121 478 1585

Bartley Green School
Adams Hill
Bartley Green
B32 3QJ

What additional services for learning are provided to pupils with SEND at Bartley Green School?

The OWL centre (Our Way of Learning)

The Owl Centre provides pastoral care and support to all pupils at Bartley Green School. It offers a safe and calm space for pupils, underpinned by a programme of one to one and group interventions. These include:

  • One to one solution focused mentoring

  • Transition support for pupils moving into secondary school and following the current periods of National lockdown

We offer a flexible programme of courses designed to support pupils with the following:

  • Building resilience

  • Rebuilding Friendships

  • Managing stress

  • Coping with change

  • PRIDE – Behaviour based Intervention

  • Attendance Matters – Improving attendance

Courses are delivered to no more than 6 pupils and the content is adapted to meet the needs of the pupils as identified by the staff who lead the programme.


This is a dedicated calm space to support pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health issues. It is located near to our LRC and is open throughout the day to support pupils. It is staffed by trained specialists who are qualified in the followin

  • Mental Health First Aid

  • Emotional First Aid

  • Suicide First Aid

  • In addition, Headspace also offers the following workshops and courses to support pupils – Challenging Anger Anxiety Low Mood (CAALM)

  • Diversity – Supporting pupils who have used unkind language to improve their social skills

  • ACORNS – to support pupils to develop and improve their self esteem and confidence

  • Girls Group- to support pupils regarding peer on peer issues/safeguarding

  • Bereavement group – to support all pupils who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

Headspace also regularly offers and promotes wellbeing throughout school as a whole.

How do we identify pupils and support pupils with SEND?

At Bartley Green School we have a tiered approach to supporting pupil needs.


At Universal level, we use our notional SEN funding.  This is money that we receive as part of our school budget, to provide quality teaching, which may include some very minor adaptions in order to meet a pupils’ learning need.

In our ‘targeted support’, we consider when it might be appropriate to make additional short term special educational provision, to remove or reduce any obstacle to our pupil’s learning, or to help them to secure learning that they may not yet have mastered.  This takes the form of a graduated four part approach:


CAT (The Communication and Autism Team)

The Communication and Autism Team (C/AT) is a team of specialist, dedicated professionals working to support children and young people with autism and their families and schools.

CAT help pupils understand the condition of autism and develop inclusive way to help children and young people rise to their full potential.

The Educational Psychologist Service

Educational Psychology provides professional psychological services for children, young people and families in a wide range of educational and community settings. The service uses expertise of psychological theory and research to develop an understanding of the most complex situations, addressing a wide range of child and adolescent development issues, including special educational needs. Educational Psychologists work collaboratively with key adults to enhance the achievement and wellbeing of children and young people. The support we provide can be targeted at individuals, groups and also at the wider level.

We use problem-solving approaches, apply expert knowledge of child development, and work holistically with children and young people. Educational Psychologists have specialist skills in assessment, designing programmes of support and at times we offer therapeutic input. Our aims for children are to: promote learning, develop language and communication skills, encourage social interaction, improve behaviour and enhance wellbeing.

Pupil and School Support (PSS)

Pupil and School Support works with schools to help pupils with cognition and learning difficulties and other vulnerable groups to progress and achieve to the best of their abilities.  Following an assessment of pupils' needs, we support schools to put in place provision and interventions to ensure that all pupils have access to the curriculum and are able to make good progress.  PSS work closely with other agencies to support positive outcomes for children and young people.

What support do we have for you as a parent of a child with SEND?

The SEN Co-ordinator, Form Tutor and Head of Year are available to discuss your child's progress or any concerns/worries you may have.

The subject teacher can be contacted to discuss your child's progress or any concerns you may have and to share information about what is working well at home and school so similar strategies can be used.

  • Regular updates on your child's progress are accessible via our calendared reporting system.

  • Pupil Passports are available and updated as necessary

  • Your child’s planner may be used to support communication with you, when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.

  • Homework club is available on lunchtimes and after school for one hour every day. This is run by trained teaching assistants who are available to offer support to your child.

Working in partnership with parents

Bartley Green School believes that a close working relationship with parents is best in order to allow:

  • Early and accurate identification and assessment of SEND leading to the correct intervention and provision.

  • Social and academic progress of children with SEND enables personal success.

  • Parental views to be considered and valued.

We understand that communication is important to ensuring all pupils enjoy school and achieve their full potential. As a means of communication we use the following:

  • Key information (such as timetables, PRIDE points, etc.) can be accessed via the Bromcom app.

  • Reports are issued to parents on an annual basis.

  • Annual parents evening

  • Our SEND email can be used to contact staff:

How is Bartley Green accessible to children with SEND?

We aim to ensure that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs.

We work with the Sensory Support Service/physical disabilities team to ensure we are providing appropriate support for pupils with auditory and visual impairments.

After school provision is accessible to all children including those with SEND.

Extra-curricular activities are accessible for children with SEND.

Websites which offer further advice / support